Small human

The universe is pretty big and very strange. Hundreds of billions of galaxies with sextillions Of stars and planets and in the middle of it …

Make friends

Friends make life good. They provide the scaffolding that makes it Not just bearable but fun. They give us a sense of meaning and purpose …

End of civilization

At its height, the Roman Empire was Home to about 30% of the world’s population, and in many ways it was the pinnacle of human …

Future of humankind

The future of humanity seems insecure. Rapid climate change, political division, our greed And failings make it hard to look at our species with a …

Set yourself up

If you are like most people, there Is a gap between the person you are and the person you wish to be. There are little …

Friendly aliens

The Universe is incredibly big and seems Full of potential for life, with billions of habitable planets. If an advanced civilization had the technology To …

Simple science

What we mean by lying is the concept of “lies to children”. The idea that on the path to explaining something complicated you start off …

How to live your life

Wrapping your mind around your life is Pretty hard, because you are up to your neck in it. It's like trying to understand the ocean …

Human history

Imagine someone coming into your kitchen and Taking a few tools, a pan and your garbage. Then they bury everything in the woods. 12,000 years …

Alien types

An observable universe is a big place That's been around for more than 13 billion years. Up to two trillion galaxies made up Of something …

Animal intelligence

Humans are proud of a lot of Things, from particle accelerators to poetry to pokemon. All of them made possible because of Something humans value …

Masterpieces of ancient art

So if you've ever been or had a child you will likely already be familiar with hand stencils. They were the first figurative art made …

How to increase african population

For most of our history, the human Population grew slowly, until new discoveries brought us more food, and made us live longer. In just a …

Why you should be grateful for this article?

Everybody is familiar with the feeling that Things are not as they should be. That you're not successful enough, your relationship's Not satisfying enough, that …